しかし、勝利が彼から遠ざかる中、No.3のドライバーはハムリンに積極的な動きを見せ、結果的にロガーノも巻き込む衝突を引き起こしました。この出来事は、かつてのドライバーたちに似たような出来事を思い出させました。一方、ロガーノとハムリンはより悪い状況に置かれ、後に問題を話し合うために会話を交わしました。ハムリンは競争相手が彼に連絡を取ってきたことを、親切なジェスチャーだと考えました。2人のドライバーは事件について話し合い、衝突に対するそれぞれの視点を共有しました。Although Dillon is a relatively newer driver, having made his debut in 2011, his actions at Richmond were criticized as setting a negative example for the upcoming generation of drivers. Despite this, Dillon believed that he had to give his all to win the race, even if it meant crossing certain boundaries. Hamlin, however, made it clear that if NASCAR failed to penalize Dillon, the regulatory body would be neglecting its responsibilities. On the other hand, if such actions were left unpunished, Hamlin revealed that he could take out his competitors in the final four races without facing any consequences, thus guaranteeing himself the championship.
Despite the pleas from Hamlin and Logano for a change in the outcome, NASCAR does not appear to be interested in altering the result. As a result, Dillon is almost certain to secure a spot in the playoffs and will be a contender in the round of 16.
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