
伝説的なホンダHP-Xは、初代NSXスーパーカーの開発の基礎となったコンセプトであり、1984年のトリノモーターショーの主役でした。そのくさび形状のデザインは、先進的な空力特性、つまり「グラウンドエフェクト」と、ホンダF2レーシングエンジンに基づくセンターマウントの2.0リットル24バルブV6 DOHCエンジンの革新的な冷却ソリューションを含んでいます。
The concept does not have doors and instead features a removable one-piece Perspex hood, similar to a jet aircraft. The back of the hood extends into a structure with two main functions: improving the car’s aerodynamic appearance and serving as a pneumatic brake controlled by the driver.

In addition, with the HP-X, Honda explored the advanced use of alternative materials, including honeycomb panels, carbon fiber, and Kevlar to reduce weight and improve performance.

“The Honda HP-X is an ideal example of Pininfarina’s unique ability to present innovative ideas through concept cars that define future trends,” said Felix Kilbertus, creative director at Pininfarina. “The HP-X did not go into production, but its influence on subsequent Honda models and the automotive industry as a whole is undeniable. It is a testament to the innovative spirit of Honda and Pininfarina, inspiring future developments in the automotive industry.”