セルビア政府はジョコビッチのオリンピック金メダルとその他の歴史的な成果を祝うのに時間をかけませんでした。アレクサンダル・ヴチッチ大統領は、ベオグラードに専用の施設を建設し、ジョコビッチの貢献を称え、展示する計画を発表し、観光客を惹きつけることを期待しています。ヴチッチ大統領は、それをマヨルカのラファエル・ナダル博物館に例え、特に世界ランキング1位の記録的な週数においてジョコビッチの優越性を強調しました。大統領は、その施設が2027年までに一般公開されることを予想しています。Throughout his career, Djokovic, a 24-time Grand Slam winner, has consistently shown his determination to represent his country and achieve significant milestones. The gold medal, which he pursued relentlessly and ultimately won in France, may be seen as his last real opportunity for such a triumph. In an Instagram post, Djokovic expressed his gratitude to the people of Serbia, emphasizing that the medal belongs to all of them and that representing their nation is the greatest honor in the world.
The day after his victory at the Paris Olympics, Djokovic made a touching gesture by dedicating an emotional post to his opponent, Carlos Alcaraz. The Serbian athlete displayed deep respect for Alcaraz and acknowledged his outstanding performance at the Olympics. Djokovic praised Alcaraz’s young age, energy, and playing style, suggesting that he has many more Olympic opportunities ahead of him and that a gold medal will eventually come his way. The post ended with Djokovic expressing his anticipation for their next encounter.
Photo from Novak Djokovic Instagram