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Max Verstappen, from the Netherlands, and Red Bull Racing competed in the Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal on June 9, 2024, as part of the Formula 1 World Championship. The CEO of McLaren Formula 1, Zak Brown, acknowledged that in order to consistently challenge Red Bull, McLaren must become a complete team. The team has made significant progress since last season, going from eliminations in Q1 to achieving regular podium finishes. Lando Norris achieved his first victory in Miami with the help of McLaren’s latest updates, and also had strong performances against Max Verstappen in Imola and Montreal. However, Brown emphasized that McLaren needs to match Red Bull in all areas to become a title contender. He noted that teams that usually win championships, such as Red Bull and Mercedes in recent years, excel in all aspects of the sport. They have the fastest cars, minimal tire degradation, excellent pit stops, and a complete package that allows them to consistently win. Although McLaren has great drivers and a fast race car, there is still room for improvement in areas such as pit stops. The team’s reliability has improved and they are on the verge of a breakthrough, but they need to make incremental improvements in all aspects. Despite a slow start to the season, McLaren has established itself as a strong contender for podiums and victories in recent races. Brown believes that there is no reason for this trend not to continue, but he also recognizes the need for evolution and continuous improvement within the team. He hopes that Ferrari will recover from a difficult race in Canada and show the form that led them to win two races this season. Brown also acknowledges that Mercedes remains a real threat and points to McLaren’s turnaround last year as evidence that a team can quickly close the gap. He believes that the competition between the three teams, McLaren, Ferrari, and Red Bull, is very fierce at the moment, but there is still a long way to go in the championship. Brown warns against underestimating Mercedes, citing their ability to turn the season around in the past. Although it may be too late for them to win the Constructors’ Championship this year, McLaren’s own experience shows that significant progress can be made during the season.
Dans le monde des sports automobiles, Brown a également exprimé son admiration pour Norris et son coéquipier Piastri, qui ont réussi toutes les neuf courses jusqu’à présent. En fait, Brown pense qu’ils forment la paire la plus exceptionnelle de toute l’équipe.
Contrairement à ce que l’on pense, Brown a réfuté les allégations d’un changement significatif chez Norris depuis sa victoire à Miami. Selon Brown, Norris a toujours été hautement concentré et remarquablement rapide sur la piste.
Bien que remporter une victoire à Miami ait été sans aucun doute une réalisation satisfaisante, Norris n’a jamais exprimé ouvertement son mécontentement concernant son record de podiums sans victoire. Brown n’a personnellement jamais constaté de signes que cela le dérangeait.
Cependant, on ne peut nier que remporter sa première course a sans aucun doute renforcé la confiance de Norris et lui a permis de se détendre un peu. C’est une étape pour laquelle il a travaillé toute sa vie, et cela aura certainement un impact positif sur ses performances.
Brown a également saisi l’occasion pour féliciter Piastri, notant qu’il a constaté une amélioration constante de ses compétences de pilotage depuis le début de sa deuxième année dans le sport. Malgré le fait d’être un débutant l’année dernière, Piastri a montré un niveau de maturité dépassant son âge.
La posture et l’approche de Piastri vis-à-vis des courses sont restées inchangées, même s’il continue de progresser dans sa carrière. Ses compétences de pilotage ont montré une croissance constante, et il est clair qu’il est dévoué à améliorer constamment ses performances sur la piste.
© 2024
O piloto de Fórmula 1, Max Verstappen, conquistou uma vitória impressionante no Grande Prêmio de Mônaco neste domingo. Verstappen, da equipe Red Bull Racing, liderou a corrida de ponta a ponta e manteve uma vantagem confortável sobre seus concorrentes. Com essa vitória, Verstappen consolida sua posição como um dos melhores pilotos da atualidade.
A corrida em Mônaco foi marcada por várias reviravoltas emocionantes. No início da corrida, houve um acidente que envolveu vários carros, resultando em uma bandeira vermelha. Após a relargada, Verstappen manteve a liderança e não deu chances para seus adversários.
O segundo colocado foi Lewis Hamilton, da equipe Mercedes, que fez uma corrida sólida, mas não conseguiu alcançar Verstappen. O terceiro lugar ficou com Sergio Perez, também da Red Bull Racing, completando o pódio.
Com essa vitória, Verstappen amplia sua vantagem no campeonato de pilotos. Ele agora lidera com uma margem confortável em relação aos seus concorrentes. Verstappen tem mostrado um desempenho excepcional nesta temporada e está determinado a conquistar o título mundial.
O próximo Grande Prêmio será realizado no circuito de Baku, no Azerbaijão. Será interessante ver se Verstappen conseguirá manter seu domínio e continuar sua sequência de vitórias. Os fãs de Fórmula 1 estão ansiosos para ver o que o futuro reserva para esse talentoso piloto.