In a fiery show of discontent, Volkswagen workers at the Osnabrück plant in Germany staged a fresh warning strike, raising...
In a stunning financial development, Honda Motor Co. has reported a jaw-dropping 20% profit slide in the first half of...
Lamborghini can’t make them fast enough! With demand for the Urus SUV and Revuelto supercar exploding, the Italian marque is...
After the arrival of the Renault Rafale to the market with 200 hp, the French brand now announces that the...
Kia has revealed the first images of the revamped Sportage in South Korea, the SUV that, three years after the...
In an exciting revival for performance SUV enthusiasts, Nissan is reintroducing its Patrol SUV with the Nismo treatment, trading its...
Xavier Martinet is the new president and CEO of Hyundai Motor Europe, succeeding Michael Cole, who will leave the position...
Thirty-two years later, the Opel factory in Eisenach continues to be the production unit for the German brand that has...
Ferrari (RACE.MI) reported a solid third-quarter performance with a 7% rise in core earnings despite a slight dip in shipments,...
The brewing trade tensions between China and the European Union over electric vehicle (EV) tariffs are setting the stage for...