BMW is convinced that all available technologies are necessary to reduce CO2 emissions throughout the entire chain, and in this regard, it believes there is potential to explore concerning fuels that are not based on fossil raw materials.
Therefore, starting in January 2025, all models produced with Diesel engines will leave the factories in Germany with tanks filled with 100% hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO).

“When it comes to climate protection, every ton of CO2 saved counts. The more than 250 million vehicles currently in Europe are an important factor here, and the capacity for emission reduction can be significantly improved if the share of renewable fuel is increased”, said Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG.
Produced in Finland, HVO 100 is based on various waste materials, such as cooking oils, and other renewable raw materials, and it produces 90% less harmful gases for the environment compared to fossil diesel.
In addition to emitting less CO2, its chemical properties offer better cold-start performance compared to traditional diesel. Furthermore, this hydrotreated vegetable oil is also resistant to microbial contamination (“diesel bug”) due to its purity.

BMW has confirmed that it will start fueling all Diesel models produced in its rich German locations of Munich, Dingolfing, Regensburg, and Leipzig, which together manufacture more than 50% of the diesel vehicles in the BMW Group annually.
“We are moving forward: starting in January 2025, we will fuel all diesel models produced in Germany with HVO 100 before delivery to dealers, a fuel that will be supplied by the Finnish refining and marketing company Neste,” concluded Oliver Zipse.