As the Formula 1 circus rolls into Shanghai for the 2025 Chinese Grand Prix, the weather conditions promise to add an extra layer of unpredictability to the proceedings. Known for its notoriously fickle weather, Shanghai’s humidity often plays a significant role in the high-octane race.
The upcoming race weekend is slated to commence on a cool note, with temperatures expected to rise significantly by the time the engines roar on Sunday. The mercury is predicted to hit the mid-twenties, setting the stage for an action-packed race day.
As per the FIA’s official weather forecast, sunny conditions will greet the drivers for the Free Practice 1 (FP1) session. The air temperature is expected to hover around 24 degrees Celsius, with potential wind gusts reaching up to 40kph. The sun is set to shine through the Sprint qualifying on Friday, with temperatures remaining steady at 23 degrees Celsius.
レース日の天気は金曜日と土曜日よりも少し曇りがちかもしれませんが、FIAの予報は中国グランプリの乾燥した条件を保証しています。レース開始時の気温は約26度 Celsiusになると予想されており、チェッカーフラッグが振られる頃には1、2度下がる見込みです。風の条件は安定を保つと予測されており、レース日のドラマをさらに盛り上げることでしょう。