In the high-stakes world of professional racing, it’s not uncommon for drivers to juggle their on-track commitments with their off-track media responsibilities. The Deegan family, a household name in the racing circuit, is no different. However, they have recently made waves by drawing a firm line in the sand when it comes to their media engagements.
Hailing from a decorated motocross lineage, Hailie Deegan, 23, and her younger brother, Haiden, 19, have managed to carve out successful racing careers of their own. Their father, Brian Deegan, holds the distinction of being the most decorated motocross rider in X Games history. Hailie has a diverse stock car racing track record and is currently making strides in IndyCar, while Haiden is quickly climbing the ranks in Supercross.
Off the track, the Deegans have built an impressive social media presence that goes hand in hand with their racing accolades. This digital footprint is largely credited to their father, Brian, who started a YouTube channel in 2009, originally featuring his motocross exploits. The channel quickly evolved to cover the family’s racing pursuits, demonstrating the Deegan patriarch’s belief that the camera is not just an opportunity for exposure, but a lucrative business tool.
Brian has always emphasized the importance of building brand awareness for their sponsors through social media. This mindset has prompted a friendly rivalry between Hailie and Haiden, who have competed from a young age for the most followers, page views, and likes. Currently, Hailie takes the lead with 2 million Instagram followers, while Haiden trails right behind her with 1.7 million followers.
However, the Deegan family’s media-savvy approach doesn’t extend to every offer that comes their way. They have categorically ruled out participating in a reality TV show, citing a lack of creative control as the deal-breaker. The Deegans are steadfast in their unwillingness to surrender the final cut to production teams, preferring to maintain control over their image and narrative.
Hailie, in particular, has voiced concerns about the time commitment a reality show would require, time she believes would be better spent honing her racing skills. Despite her notable achievements in NASCAR, including five top-tens across four years of national series seasons, Hailie is not ready to divert her focus from her budding IndyCar career. She recently endured a challenging St. Petersburg race and is determined to use her time to improve her performance, rather than being caught up in the whirlwind of reality TV.
However, Brian Deegan has left the door slightly ajar, suggesting that a reality show could be a possibility if they were given the final say on the end product. The elder Deegan stated that under the right circumstances and with full control over the final look of the show, they might consider it.
While they continue to navigate the world of media and the potential of a reality show, the Deegan family remains committed to their racing careers. All three Deegan racers recently made an appearance at Indianapolis for a special session, illustrating their unwavering dedication to the sport.
In a unique crossover event, Hailie and Haiden had the opportunity to bring their respective fanbases together. Haiden, a two-time SMX 250 class champion, and Hailie, now venturing into IndyCar, shared the famous Brickyard side by side in their respective IndyNXT car and SX Yamaha 250.
As she prepares for her next start at Barber Motorsports Park on May 4, Hailie is keenly aware of the areas she needs to work on, especially her physical strength. She acknowledges the need to build up her physical capabilities quickly, given the demanding physicality of the sport.
In conclusion, the Deegan siblings’ primary focus remains squarely on their racing careers. They continue to push for more victories, even if that necessitates turning down lucrative reality show offers. Their commitment to their craft and their unwillingness to compromise their control over their narrative is a testament to their dedication to their profession.